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"Visit us...then decide!"
Located in Yukon, OK
Children's New World Inc
702 Garth Brooks Blvd
Yukon, OK 73099

About Us

Located in Yukon, OK
Located in Yukon, OK
Call Us 405-354-5056

Commitment to Early Childhood Education

Children's New World offers a "Whole Child," age-appropriate learning curriculum, which includes fun activities and learning challenges. Our goal is to promote a safe, healthy learning environment where children can explore and learn. All preschool children have a
year-round curriculum in their childcare program. They attend September through May and have organized summer activities in June, July, and August, including an optional Bible School, held on site.

Our Staff’s Teaching Goals

We use the following professionally planned early literacy programs to instill a love of learning:

Toddlers and Twos:
CNW "Learning Adventures"

Threes and Fours:


Emphasis on Safety

Your child's safety is our first priority. We believe in being prepared for Oklahoma weather. Not only do we have a center generator that allows us to do business as usual, we also have a 1400 sq. ft. Safe Room. Our Safe Room is used as an indoor gym and for many of our special events.

Please Visit CNW to Meet Staff, Tour Our Center, and Receive an Enrollment Packet

Please visit CNW for a tour and enrollment information. When enrolling, complete enrollment forms and return them with your $50.00 deposit. This non-refundable
pre-enrollment deposit is used towards your first week of tuition. All children have a professionally-planned, developmentally-appropriate curriculum included in their childcare program.
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